Theodora Bauer




Cover Hardcover
Size 256 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2052-8
First published 2017

In nineteen-twenties Chicago three emigrants hope for a better life, but in search for paradise  they find everything but heaven on earth.
Life is tough at the new border between Austria and Hungary in the nineteen-twenties. Feri and Katica are living in turbulent times and most of all in poverty. But Feri sees a ray of hope for him and his pregnant girlfriend: America.
A tragic incident makes the couple flee overnight with Katica's sister Anica. When they finally arrive in the land of opportunity they encounter misery and loss: Katica dies giving birth to her child and Feri becomes a drunk. After his death it's up to Anica to look after little Josip …

Theodora Bauer leaves her protagonists to a painfully realistic fate in this gripping tale on the pursuit of happiness.