Manfred Rumpl

Finns Irrfahrt

Finns Irrfahrt


Cover Paperback
Size 250 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2062-7
First published 2018
»Finn's Odyssey«

Rebellion, unspeakable yearning, political activism and first love: Manfred Rumpl combines all of the above in a captivating and current all-ager.

Finn is fifteen years old, the son of divorced parents, bad at maths, a music lover and a passionate rock climber. But after a serious climbing accident he falls into a coma and wakes up with changed spirits: His latent rebellion against his hated stepfather turns into an open revolt and culminates in an act of political protest which leads to Finn and his friends running away. Their trip through the summer heat resembles a road movie, Finn having only two goals in mind – wanting to find his biological father and to conquer the climbing wall that made him fall …