Susanne Falk

Fast ein Märchen

Fast ein Märchen

24 Weihnachtsgeschichten

Cover Hardcover
Size 222 Pages
Format 11,0 x 19,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2081-8
First published 2019
»Almost a Fairy Tale«

These miniature stories are viciously funny! Susanne Falk brings the holiday season to life – with a famous cast: Starring Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley, Leonardo da Vinci, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Juri Gagarin, Mary Shelley and many more.
Every one of these legends experiences a peculiar Christmas: When the Brothers Grimm almost forget it's Christmas Eve they suddenly are confronted with a supernatural visit. King Arthur learns a lesson about work-life balance when his knights refuse to fight on Christmas Day. And is that »The King« singing karaoke in Vegas on the 24th of December?