Michael Frank




Cover Hardcover
Size 252 Pages
Format 11,0 x 19,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2096-2
First published 2020

Michael Frank brings the bogus idyll of a childhood in post-war Bavaria back to life. He recounts adventures between orthodoxy and ideological riot under the influence of the church, school, politics and the beginnings of a new era…

In the freezing cold, where nature is grand and ruthless, the route to school and church appears laborious and endless for the children. Their parents, a grimly father, just as beloved as he is feared, and a deeply religious, but curious mother met because of their involvement in the Lebensreform movement. Together, they raise their family in the midst of idealistic romanticism and afflicting poverty. The children make up their own venturesome reality based on their headstrong insights and major misunderstandings.

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