Richard A. Bermann

Die Fahrt auf dem Katarakt

Die Fahrt auf dem Katarakt

Eine Autobiographie ohne einen Helden

Cover Hardcover
Size 356 Pages
Format 13,5 x 20,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2102-0
First published 2021
Along the Cataract

Richard A. Bermann, also known under his alias Arnold Höllriegel, was born in 1883 in Vienna and grew up in Prague. After receiving his doctorate, he briefly tutored the son of an Italian aristocrat before starting to write articles for several newspapers. His autobiography not only details his remarkable life and work as a journalist, but also the first half of the 20th century, from the end of the Austro-Hungarian empire to the start of World War II.

Bermann’s memoir is a testament for the world changing events at the beginning of a new millennium.

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