Georg Psota

Psyche und Stigma

Psyche und Stigma

Psychische Erkrankungen und Vorurteile

Cover Hardcover
Size 48 Pages
Format 11,5 x 18,5
ISBN 978-3-7117-3020-6
First published 2021
Reihe: Wiener Vorlesungen , volume 200
Psyche and Stigma

Despite numerous efforts to normalize the discussion around mental health issues, the stigma around it is still present. Many people suffering from psychological illnesses are in need of professional help but feel too ashamed to admit it – to themselves and even more so to others. For psychiatrist Georg Psota the biggest hurdle are the negative preconceptions and he strongly argues the need to diminish them.

We are all affected by mental illnesses, either as a patient or a relative, and need to work together to overcome the stigma.

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