Thomas Sautner

Die Erfindung der Welt

Die Erfindung der Welt


Cover Hardcover
Size 408 Pages
Format 12,0 x 19,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2103-7
First published 2021
»Inventing the World«

When author Aliza Berg is anonymously commissioned to write a novel, she is at first hesitant but curious nonetheless. A mysterious donor transfers a generous amount of money to Aliza’s bank account and, in exchange, sets certain conditions: The book is supposed to be about life in all its complexities and should be based on the people living in Litstein, a small village on the Austrian countryside. So, Aliza travels to Litstein and starts her research. Throughout her stay she takes to the town’s residents and gets a taste for the slower life which leads her to wonder: What makes life worth living?

Thomas Sautner’s new novel about the beauty and value of life.

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