Felix Kucher

Sie haben mich nicht gekriegt

Sie haben mich nicht gekriegt


Cover Hardcover
Size 504 Pages
Format 21,0 x 13,5
ISBN 978-3-7117-2104-4
First published 2021

Felix Kucher tells the stories of two extraordinary women and their lives in the first half of the 20th century: Tina Modotti is born into poverty and forced to work in a factory early on while Mary S. Rosenberg grows up well-situated in Bavaria. She is groomed to one day take over her father’s bookstore despite wanting to attend university to become a doctor. Over time, she learns to love her profession. Tina finds her way from Northern Italy to Hollywood, to the Spanish Civil War and the Mexican Revolution, fighting for communism.

While Tina and Mary’s lives couldn’t be more different, both are determined to play their part in countering fascism.

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