Christian Klinger

Ein Giro in Triest

Ein Giro in Triest


Cover Hardcover
Size 296 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2116-7
First published 2022
»A Giro in Trieste«

Trieste, 1914: After the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, their coffins are stolen by nationalists and police officer Gaetano Lamprecht, an Austrian-Italian and passionate cycler, is assigned to the case. His investigation pulls him deeper and deeper into a maze of conspiracies and corruption and more often than not he is faced with life-threatening situations, which he only manages to escape due to his athletic nature.
Aside from his career, Gaetano is troubled with personal problems and his family’s abrupt departure from Vienna…

Gaetano Lamprecht’s first case: Tensions are high in Trieste on the eve of World War I and Gaetano has to navigate between monarchists, nationalists and criminals.

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