Susanne Pollak

Klara spielt nicht mit

Klara spielt nicht mit


Cover Hardcover
Size 212 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2124-2
First published 2022
»Klara doesn't play along«

Born as the youngest of three children, Klara doesn’t fit in from the start. While her siblings are seemingly perfect, she simply can’t measure up to them. Klara is frequently sick, struggles to keep up at school and doesn’t have any talents. She is ill so often without there being a plausible physical reason. As she grows up, she tries to escape her third-wheel-status by getting married at eighteen, trying out different jobs or starting university but she never manages to stick to one thing. She eventually has a daughter and it looks as if her life could be normal but when she falls back into her old patterns, things take a turn for the worst…

Susanne Pollaks approach to her younger sister: a tragic life full of missed opportunities.

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