Tom Zürcher

Liebe Rock

Liebe Rock


Cover Hardcover
Size 296 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2110-5
First published 2021
Dear Rock

After dropping out of high school, eighteen year old Timm doesn’t really have plan. When he meets a waitress named Rock, he immediately falls for her and soon moves into her appartement. He tries to impress her by pretending to be a writer without having any particular talent or experience while also being in a constant row with Rock’s roommate and boyfriend Marc, whom he tries to sabotage whenever he can.
With the help of his father and a rather peculiar publisher, Timm’s debut novel is slowly coming together while his private life is falling apart more and more…

Tom Zürcher’s new novel about first love, the difficulties of coming of age and how to write a bestseller.

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